Posted by Simon Schnieders on July 28, 2018
Google announced on the 17th of May 2017 at Google I/O they were rolling out a job search feature and on the 16th of July this year announced the UK launch of ‘Google for Jobs’. Did jobs search need improving by Google? How has it benefited Google’s user experience? If Google for Jobs hasn’t improved […]
…Posted by Simon Schnieders on August 15, 2017
The Google antitrust floodgates may soon open for other industries impacted by their verticalisation of search results.
…Posted by Simon Schnieders on December 2, 2016
Since June 2016, the UK has been in a state of uncertainty. Leading up to the EU referendum, commentators debated on the impact of the UK leaving Europe from the strength of the economy, access to the single market and immigration, experts all weighed in with their say. An issue that was less talked […]